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Скидка 9% за комплексный пакет архивных исследований!
Услуги по поиску информации в архивах и электронных библиотеках, Доказательство верности путем изучения архивных документов, Историко-архивные исследования.
мы предлагаем услуги в области исследования архивных данных и поисковой оптимизации архивов.
количество запросов в архивах включает:
סא♣סא♣סא & СА♣СА♣СА
ИНН: 332899542850, ОГРНИП : 31933280007033; 600005, г. Владимир, Октябрьский проспект 45Б кв. 22
филлиал Sorkinearchiveסא LTD
Shevet Gad 2 apt.1 Petah Tiqwa ISRAEL 4930347
Sorkinearchive’s NAICS Code: 51,5191 & SIC Code: 82,823 Documentation & Information Activities of Libraries & Archives
Sorkinearchive’s OKVED Codes in Russia:
63.91 Activities of Information Agencies; 72.20.2 Research & Development in the Humanities
Information Agency’s “Sorkinearchive” Certificate number ИА № ФС 77 – 78037 issue 06.03.2020 Russian Federation & Foreign Countries
+7 (915) 798-35-22 Viber/ Whats App
We offer services in the field of archival data research & search optimization of archives.
The number of requests in the archives includes:
Our company is well versed in archival searches, including the experience of organizing an audiovisual archive of an organization with an integrated search system for accounting and production of information on archival funds.
We have not only true knowledge about the organization of archival systems in different countries, but also a deep knowledge of the procedures and methods of searching related to archiving.
Based on our experience, we can say with confidence that when communicating with archivists in the context of search queries, participation of an archival expert will not be superfluous. Any irrelevant actions in the context of current archival searches and hasty responses provided by the archive can adversely affect the archive results of the requested information.
We would like to share our experience with your archival searches.
General genealogy, Finding last familly members or their fates (specifically relating to the Holocaust),Family tree verification, Finding missing beneficiaries, Researching properties and real estate, Document location and procurement (in Israel and abroad), Prove rights to Foreign citizenships and passports.
All rights to any materials published on the site are protected in accordance with Russian Federation, Israeli and international laws on copyright and related rights. The use of any text, audio, photo and video materials posted on the site is allowed only with the permission of the copyright owner of Scientific–Historical & Educational Information Agency “Sorkinearchiveסא” and with reference to the site “sorkinearchivegroup.info” (for online resources, anactive indexed hyperlink to the site is required “sorkinearchivegroup.info.“)
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